What Star Wars Fans Need to Know About Mace Windu

We all know Mace Windu for being played by one of cinema’s toughest actors, Samuel L. Jackson, but do you know the lore behind this character? 

The story of this character is all adventure from the iconic purple lightsaber to his legendary battle against Darth Sidious.

Building the Legendary Purple Lightsaber 

Mace Windu was born on the planet Haruun Kal roughly fifty years before the start of the Clone Wars. He was force sensitive from a young age and became a promising youngling during his training with the Jedi Order. 

Mace built his unique purple lightsaber with the help of his instructor. Mace had always had a fire burning inside him that fueled his strength and attitude. Building his lightsaber marked the first step in learning how to control that fire. 

A Confident Jedi Apprentice 

As an apprentice, Mace Windu worked hard to control that fire inside him. He was the apprentice of Jedi Master Cyslin Myr who chose Mace Windu for the challenge of helping him grow as a jedi. 

Mace’s exploits as a padawan are packed with heroics including taking down a heretical sect of rogue jedi and rescuing kidnaped younglings. 

Mace Windu and the Jedi Council 

Mace Windu went on to become one of the most storied and important jedi who have ever lived. 

He was a leader of the Jedi Council during their darkest hour and his guidance was vital in resisting the plots of Darth Sidious. Mace was the leader of the Jedi Assault Team and led the effort to track down Darth Maul. 

Mace Windu fought hard for the Jedi Council and to try to maintain peace in the galaxy. His final act was a brave battle against a Sith Lord. 

The Death of a Legend

Mace Windu knew that the only way to save the senate and bring order to the galaxy was to arrest and bring Palpatine to trial. 

He led a strike team of jedi to Palpatine’s chambers to bring him down. It was then that Palpatine revealed himself to be Darth Sidious. 

Mace Windu was the legendary champion of the jedi. His skills in combat were unmatched. He was able to defeat Sidious in combat and would have finished him then and there if it wasn’t for Anakin Skywalker interfering in the fight. 

Mace Windu died as he lived: fighting for the Jedi Order.