How To Start Composting Worms at Home?

Composting is a natural decomposition method that allows organic materials to turn into a nutrient-rich component, which further improves the quality of the soil. It is one of the most versatile methods to get rich nutrients for the soil. While it can be done professionally for large-scale usage, you can also do composting at home for domestic requirements.

One of the easiest methods is to compost worms, otherwise known as vermicomposting. With simple household garbage and leftover organic material, you can easily start composting worms and put them in the soil for a better yield of plants.

Here is how you can start composting at home.

How do you start?

You can use simple cardboard or hard paper in a plastic bin to create a compost bin. In most cases, a wide and tall bin would do the best job. Line the bin up with moist paper or cardboard from all sides as much as possible. Next, put in the organic garbage that your household regularly produces. Now, throw in a pound of worms to complete the compost. The best worms that you can use for vermicomposting are red earthworms or red wiggler worms.

To keep the system completely aerobic, drill some holes all over the bin. Now that your worm bin is set up, the worms will automatically start doing their work. All they would do is eat the leftover garbage and cast. This cast or faeces from the worms is the ultimate compost that you can use for replenishing the nutrient content of the soil.

How much time does it take?

Once you add a pile of garbage and the necessary quantity of worms, it would take around a couple of months to achieve the desired results. Once you harvest the compost, you can restack the bin with fresh materials for further compost. The timeframe of harvesting the compost solely depends on the quantity of materials you add.

What to do if the bin stinks?

If there is too much moisture or too much dryness in the compost bin, it can leave a sharp stink. This can be problematic for the surrounding area. A quick way to get rid of this stink along with preventing external bugs in the compost bin is to cover the top layer of the pile with shredded paper or sawdust.

So, by giving attention to these little details, you can successfully start composting worms at home. You can now use Vers L’avenir worm kits, which will make this process easier and manageable.